Pricing will be determined by the scope of the work to be done on your unique situation. We will sit down with you on a FREE CONSULTATION to explore your situation and your desired end result. We will lay out a plan of attack to help you accomplish your goals, and a price will be determined once we have a full understanding of the project. We offer a wide variety of services to Companies, The Legal Profession, Fellow Investigators, and The General Public in NW Florida from the panhandle of Florida to Tallahassee and Apalachicola. If you require an investigative service that you don’t see listed, give us a call and we will be happy to discuss your needs. If we don’t provide that particular service, we can usually direct you to someone who does.
Coupled with our extensive experience, our surveillance specialists are highly trained in the use of the latest, high tech, state of the art, covert surveillance systems. Our vast array of equipment ranges from standard 35mm cameras, to miniature, virtually undetectable, high definition digital and video cameras hidden inside everyday items such as wrist watches, pagers and articles of clothing.
Minature DVR’s allows us to get the evidence you need, even in indoor and previously problematic situations. We also utilize advanced systems such as infra-red night vision equipment and powerful zoom lenses for documenting activity from great distances or under the cover of darkness.
Private Investigators have the ability to watch your spouse or significant other, monitor who they are with, where they go and what they do, discreetly and confidentially.
Whatever your surveillance needs are, we can provide it and get you the evidence you need to undeniably prove your suspicions!

Our comprehensive and detailed background checks can include:
- Criminal History
- Employment Verification
- Education Verification
- Social Security Number Trace
- Driving Records
- Bankruptcy Filings
- Premarital Investigations
- Property
- Assets
- Phone numbers
- Addresses
Whatever information you may need we can provide it to you fast usually on the same day you give us the information on the person. Call or E-mail us for our price list for the background checks that you need.